Check out this amazing snow sculpture standing tall in a Calderdale garden

Ten-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morningTen-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morning
Ten-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morning
After snow fell in Calderdale, many residents made the most of the weather by having fun in the snow.

One family took snowman making to another level by creating an amazing polar bear sculpture out of the white stuff.

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41 of your best photos from Halifax and Calderdale as snow falls across the boro...

Ten-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morning (Tuesday).

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Ten-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morningTen-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morning
Ten-year-old Katie and eight-year-old Holly were ecstatic when they woke up to the snow yesterday morning

When their head teacher said there were no work expectations, and with the help of dad Steven and mum Yvonna, they created this fantastic snow sculpture of a polar bear in their front garden.

Isn't it fantastic!

Following the heavy snowfall, many readers shared their pictures of fun in the snow.

Click here to see photos from Halifax and Calderdale.

We would still love to see your snow pictures. Send them to [email protected].

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