Results are in and we want to see your photos

A-Level Results Day 2015
From: Beth Henzell 
Date: 13 August 2015 at 12:00
Subject: Sunderland College: Sunderland College makes the A grade
A Levels2  High flying Sunderland College students are celebrating after achieving excellent A-Level resultsA-Level Results Day 2015
From: Beth Henzell 
Date: 13 August 2015 at 12:00
Subject: Sunderland College: Sunderland College makes the A grade
A Levels2  High flying Sunderland College students are celebrating after achieving excellent A-Level results
A-Level Results Day 2015 From: Beth Henzell Date: 13 August 2015 at 12:00 Subject: Sunderland College: Sunderland College makes the A grade A Levels2  High flying Sunderland College students are celebrating after achieving excellent A-Level results
It's that time of year again for students as they eagerly await their all important A level results and we need your help to celebrate.

Calderdale students will join others up and down the country in finding out their A level grades after two years of hard work.

After a lot of hard work, numerous exams, countless pages of coursework and hundreds of school hours it has all come down to one piece of paper.

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Pupils will gather at their Sixth form or college find out if they have got the grades they wanted before moving on to the next stage in their lives, whether that’s university, a new job or travelling the world.

We want to celebrate the results of all the students from Calderdale and would like you to send in some photos from results day.

It can be of someone nervously opening the all important envelope to find out their results or celebrating their success with friends and family afterwards.

It could even be a photo of a group of students jumping for joy at their A level achievments.

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With jobs and university places more competitive than ever it is important to celebrate the success of A level students.

If you would like to be featured in our results day celebration next week then please send your photos by email to the Halifax Courier, [email protected].

Check out next week’s Echo to see your pictures and the results guide.

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