Letter: Don't remove access to this historic location

Toward Norland from Albert Promenade. Picture by Michael SykesToward Norland from Albert Promenade. Picture by Michael Sykes
Toward Norland from Albert Promenade. Picture by Michael Sykes
I write in support of Mrs Green's concerns regarding the prohibition of vehicles on Albert Promenade.

Like her, I am concerned that many elderly and disabled people rely on vehicular access to the promenade. For many of limited mobility it is a pleasant place to go for a short stroll if their abilities allow, or to simply enjoy the view from a car/bench.

I understand that residents experience issues with criminal and anti-social behaviour and I have great sympathy for them.

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The additional point I made to the councillors I contacted was that closing the promenade to vehicles would simply move the problem elsewhere and that we should push for action against the unacceptable behaviour rather than penalise law-abiding users of the area.

From replies I received some time ago, I understood that the options are closure, or the possibility of restrictions at night time only to reduce the inconvenience. We have not seen any details about the latest ideas. Please councillors, publicise more information about the proposal so that you can consult who might be badly affected before we get to TRO stage.

Although I appreciate that residents of the immediate area should be consulted, decisions need to equally consider the wider community. The promenade was designed for the enjoyment of the public. Indeed, the calderdale.gov.uk website states: “The Rocks have been used as recreational land since at least Victorian times. Albert Promenade was opened in 1861. The Promenade was designed to allow the people of Halifax to view the Rocks and the Calder Valley.”

We should not give in to the criminal fraternity and effectively remove access to this historic viewpoint for many who benefit greatly from it. It will achieve little regarding the criminality as this will resurface elsewhere unless the perpetrators are stopped.