Last chance to have your say about council budget cuts

Sunshine on Halifax Town Hall, with blue sky above.Sunshine on Halifax Town Hall, with blue sky above.
Sunshine on Halifax Town Hall, with blue sky above.
As the deadline approaches for Calderdale Council’s biggest ever budget consultation, they are reminding people of the many ways they can have their say on what the spending priorities should be.

Residents have until Saturday 31 October to tell the Council what they should invest in, how services could be run differently and how communities could help us keep Calderdale a fantastic place – all in the context of a further 12% cut in government funding by 2017/18 and at least another £20 million savings by 2018/19.

Over 3,300 people have shared their views since the budget consultation started on 1 September 2015. And they’ve done this in more ways than ever before – from filling in surveys, attending events and engaging on social media, to watching the online video, having a go at the online budget simulator and unlocking hidden content with the Zappar app.

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Tim Swift, leader of Calderdale Council, said: “Local people play a vital part in helping us decide where our money should be spent and what our future priorities should be, so we want as many people as possible to have their say. The services we provide affect everyone in some way.”