Entrepreneur creates bestselling publication

Collaboration: Tiffany Skirrow brought together a collection of female entrepreneurs to create When She Rises.Collaboration: Tiffany Skirrow brought together a collection of female entrepreneurs to create When She Rises.
Collaboration: Tiffany Skirrow brought together a collection of female entrepreneurs to create When She Rises.
A female entrepreneur from Halifax has spearheaded a collaborative book that has brought together women from across the UK as they each share their personal stories of rising up and taking back control of their life.

Within hours of its release the publication became a bestseller on Amazon book charts.

‘When She Rises’ went straight in at Number 1 on the Amazon bestseller charts in the Women’s Spirituality and Collections Biographies section, sitting alongside criminologist, historian and author OJ Modjeska’s book ‘Gone – Catastrophe in Paradise’ and the popular box set ‘American History By The State’.

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Tiffany Skirrow, 33, brought together a collection of female entrepreneurs whose heart-breaking and inspiring stories include: surviving a terrorist attack; parental death; a friend’s suicide; overcoming domestic abuse; a battle with a rare cancer; beating bullying, anxiety, bipolar and alcoholism; battling eating disorders, drug-abuse, mental and physical abuse; surviving parental suicide, financial, emotional and physical abuse, and debt.

When She Rises.When She Rises.
When She Rises.

Despite their traumatic pasts, each contributor has found the strength to rise up and rewrite their own story.

All proceeds from the book are going to the global charity One Woman At A Time, which is dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in parts of Kenya, India and the UK who are severely disadvantaged by social or economic circumstances.

Tiffany said: “Each of the women who have contributed to this book have come on their own momentous journey.

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“I approached them because they have come through healing and now stand in the light of their own strength. From this place they can share their story as a powerful and inspirational gift to other women.”

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