Worker stole goods and cash worth £18,000 from plumbers

Bradford Crown CourtBradford Crown Court
Bradford Crown Court
A former sales assistant has been jailed for four months after he stole goods and cash worth more than £18,000 from a Brighouse firm.

James Bunn, 28, began stealing from Crossling Limited, on Armytage Road, because he got into debt with pay-day loans, but a court heard that he had been spending his ill-gotten gains on holidays, expensive nights out and clothes.

Judge Jonathan Rose told Bunn, of St Matthew’s Drive, Northowram, Halifax, that his offending was motivated by greed and there was only one outcome.

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Bradford Crown Court heard that Bunn had been promoted to supervisor last year, but in September an investigation was launched at the store when a bathroom suite went missing.

Prosecutor Alisha Kaye said inquiries revealed that Bunn had been taking items such as boilers and he had also been pocketing cash payments from customers.

In total Bunn, who had been on a salary of more than £22,000, had stolen goods and cash amounting to £18,382.67 between September 2013 and September 2015.

Bunn pleaded guilty to stealing from his employer and his lawyer Christopher Haddock said he had cooperated with the inquiry at the firm.

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Mr Haddock submitted that the thefts had become a kind of addiction or obsession and Bunn was planning to take up another job when the offending came to light.

Judge Rose said Bunn had access to the computer system and had thought up ways to fiddle it.

“Once you started stealing and realised, as you saw it how easy it was to get away with, you just continued,” the judge told Bunn.

The judge said the offending was protracted and the basis for it had been greed.