Armed police arrest man for carrying a Samurai sword, but it turned out to be a plank of wood

Armed officers were called to Burnley Road, Cornholme, to reports that a man was walking around with a Samurai sword. Photo by David CurleyArmed officers were called to Burnley Road, Cornholme, to reports that a man was walking around with a Samurai sword. Photo by David Curley
Armed officers were called to Burnley Road, Cornholme, to reports that a man was walking around with a Samurai sword. Photo by David Curley
Armed police officers were called to Cornholme to reports that a man was waving around a Samurai sword.

Officers were called to Burnley Road at 8pm last night (Thursday), but when they arrived the man was nowhere to be seen.

The man, who made no direct threats to anyone, was later arrested at his home address on suspicion of possession of a bladed article.

However it has since emerged that the suspected Samurai sword was a piece of wood.

The man has now been released without charge.