Calder Valley Search and Rescue team makes ‘plan ahead’ plea

CVSRT says now is not the time to be venturing beyond ‘local’.CVSRT says now is not the time to be venturing beyond ‘local’.
CVSRT says now is not the time to be venturing beyond ‘local’.
The Calder Valley Search and Rescue Team (CVSRT) would like to remind people to adhere to lockdown restrictions and only exercise locally near your home.

A spokesperson for CVSRT said: “Now is not the time to be venturing into the more remote parts of our countryside and potentially putting yourself in harm’s way.

“Before you set out on your next daily exercise please ask yourself do I have the knowledge and skills to accomplish the day, do I have the right gear and spare kit if the weather changes or night falls, do I know what the weather will be like?

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"By planning ahead, preparing well and being aware of your environment, you could prevent an accident or, should the worst happen, save your life.”

CVSRT has shared what you should ask yourself when heading out for daily exercise:

1. Do I have the knowledge and skills to accomplish the day?

2. Do I have the right gear and spare kit if the weather changes or night falls?

3. Do I know what the weather will be like?

4. Does anyone know your plans for the day?