Proposals to create Calderdale health board focusing on issues affecting children and young people

Calderdale Councils Director of Children and Young Peoples Services, Julie JenkinsCalderdale Councils Director of Children and Young Peoples Services, Julie Jenkins
Calderdale Councils Director of Children and Young Peoples Services, Julie Jenkins
Health chiefs are to explore the possibility of forming a health and wellbeing board which will specifically address issues which affect children and young people.

Calderdale Council’s Director of Children and Young People’s Services, Julie Jenkins, asked Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board to consider setting one up, as members debated a report on developing well.

Outcomes for the Calderdale’s young people, between when they start school and reach adulthood are good, said Ms Jenkins, with projects like the opening later this year of a Sixth Form Centre in Halifax one example of giving them extra options and ensuring the range of skills needed by the borough in the future were met.

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But childfren’s health and wellbeing needed a whole system approach, including health services and other partners, she said, dealing with issues which were of concern like healthy weight.

In depth electronic assessments recently considered byscrutiny board councillors were detailed snapshot of what young people themselves were thinking about such issues.

For example, worrying about exams was a constant thing for them, and they worried about their body image, something amplified by social media, said Ms Jenkins.

A digital helpline which had been set up had received 820 responses from young people in a month, and Ms Jenkins stressed in response things had been put in place to address their need.

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But a whole system response involving health and partner organisations too was required, she said. Time was of the essence and she wanted to develop firmer proposals to bring to the board’s next meeting.

Coun Ashley Evans (Lib Dem, Warley) agreed: “I would suggest it is very appropriate,” he said.

Coun Megan Swift (Lab, Town) raised questions about the proposed board’s composition.

Chief Officer of Healthwatch Calderdale, Helen Hunter, said issues like dental hygiene and health could be addressed by Dipika Kaushal of Voluntary Action Calderdale (CVAC) said everyone had to engage with this agenda and a campaign to capture “hearts and minds” could be run to bring it all together.

Board members agreed to give their general support to exploring if a Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board would be feasible.