Here are six side hustles to try during isolation

Here are six side hustles to try during isolationHere are six side hustles to try during isolation
Here are six side hustles to try during isolation | jpimedia
Stay home Brits have been offered advice on six easy side hustles to set-up from the kitchen table to start earning some extra cash.

Experts from finance website have revealed six side hustles that can help workers start to earn extra cash whilst practicing self-isolation or social distancing.

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From filling out online surveys to teaching over video call, these side hustles can help earn money – and use days spent indoors productively.

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A spokesperson from said: “These are uncertain times for everybody and the prospect of self-isolation can be extremely daunting.

“If you can try and give yourself something to aim for, either by setting up some side-hustles, or giving yourself something to do daily, such as writing a blog, it will hopefully become slightly easier.

“These side hustles can all be set up within a day with minimal equipment and can easily be adapted to suit your strengths.”

These are’s six suggested self-isolation side hustles:

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Blogging: If you plan to monetise a blog you may have to be in it for the long-haul, as the likelihood o you starting to earn money overnight is slim. If you find a good niche and get the followers, however, it can prove very lucrative. Setting up your own blog can also be a great way to express yourself during this unprecedented time.

Freelancing: This is a great way to play to skills you already have. If you can read, write, program, make videos and edit you might be able to find a job to suit your skillset. As many workplaces are now working from home it should be easier to join their teams and help complete any outstanding work.

Marketing focus groups: Companies often organise focus groups which can be conducted via video call. These can be for a range of things, such as product packaging, websites and advertisements. They will ask you to look at, or do something, then will want honest feedback, and you will of course be thanked monetarily.

Teaching: If you are qualified, or just enjoy passing your knowledge onto others, coaching and teaching via video call could be a great side hustle for you. Whether this be a musical instrument, singing, or even doing some one-on-one teaching for students not at school having the face-to-face communication will also quell loneliness.

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Online surveys: If you plan on spending your days on the internet, you can fill out online surveys and earn cash for doing so. A quick search will bring up lots of websites and apps and although the rewards can be quite low, they can soon add up.

Re-sell: If you’re planning on sorting out cupboards and re-organising the house, you can have a pile of things which you can sell. Whether this be on online auction sites or through social media, you can put these items up for sale. Once things are back to normal you can then deliver these items and be rewarded in cash.