Calderdale businesses overcharging for essential items urged to 'think twice'

Halifax town centre during lockdownHalifax town centre during lockdown
Halifax town centre during lockdown
Businesses in Calderdale overcharging for essential items are being urged to think twice.

Calderdale Council has said the Government’s competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority, is looking into cases of businesses behaving unfairly during the COVID-19 outbreak, and is able to take enforcement action if necessary.

The council said people who see such behaviour should report it to the Competition and Markets Authority.

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Calderdale Council’s Cabinet member for Regeneration and Resources, Coun Jane Scullion, said the coronavirus pandemic had seen many people rallying to help their communities and a minority who did not.

“It’s so important that we all stick together to help each other through this extremely difficult time.

“We’re seeing many examples of people going out of their way to offer support, but unfortunately, in a minority of cases, some are taking advantage of the situation for their own benefit.

“We all have a part to play in ensuring that everyone can get the essential items they need during this national emergency, especially the most vulnerable and isolated people.

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“So I urge any business that is overcharging for essential items to think twice.

“Be fair, be responsible – it will benefit our entire community.

“I encourage anyone who sees such behaviour to report it to the Competition and Markets Authority.

“I also urge people not to overbuy or stockpile items – there is plenty to go around if we all buy our fair share,” said Coun Scullion (Lab, Luddenden Foot).

For more on this, visit: the Completion and Markets Authority